
Mari Karmen Berrizbeitia. Sanblasak begietan: argazkilariak Abadiñoko ferian [Eyes on the Feast of St Blaise: photographers at the Abadiño fair]

Mari Karmen Berrizbeitia. Sanblasak begietan: argazkilariak Abadiñoko ferian [Eyes on the feast of St Blaise: photographers at the Abadiño fair].

The feast of St Blaise, on 3 February, is celebrated in many localities one way or another, but in Abadiño (Bizkaia) the occasion is a very special one. There is evidence of an agricultural and livestock fair held in this town since the 17th century. The said fair is well known throughout the Basque Country and used to be attended by people from all over the peninsula. (more…)