

Asking for alms in Alegría-Dulantzi (Álava), 1993. Juan José Galdos.

In a good many localities, both in the northern and southern Basque Country, carnival started on Fat Thursday, that is, the Thursday immediately preceding Lent. Such day was known by different names in Spanish, jueves de lardero being one of them. The feast was mainly enjoyed by school-age children. In Zigoitia (Álava) it was traditionally celebrated on the last Thursday in January. (more…)


General view of Apodaka (Álava). Isidro Sáenz de Urturi.

In the plains of Álava the term ojalatero does not refer to the person who makes, repairs and sells tinware or hojalatero, nor to those who during the Carlist wars wished, from the rear, for the victory of Carlism, also known as ojalateros (derived from ojalá —let us hope—). (more…)