
Grave beeswax candle

Grave beeswax candle. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Field research shows relevant participants in old-time funeral processions, usually relatives or neighbours of the deceased, bore offerings of bread and light to be placed on the symbolic family grave in church. This tradition remained in many parishes until the 1960s. (more…)


Churching. Bilbao, 1967. Rafael Agirre. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Candlemas is the Christian festival held on 2 February to commemorate the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple and the Purification of the Virgin. The Christmas cycle begins on St Nicholas’ Day (6 December) and concludes with the visit of the Magi (6 January). Candlemas marks the start of the carnival season. Celebrations culminate on Shrove Tuesday and Lent follows. (more…)