

Cuculus cannorus (female). Author: Trebol-a.

‘Cuckoo, cuckoo’. One of the best-known sounds of nature. It is clearly the most famous bird call, as can be seen from the bird’s name in different languages: kuku in Basque, cuco in Spanish, coucou in French, cuckoo in English…

Even though spring officially begins on 20 March according to the calendar, the call of the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) heralds the arrival of this season for the baserritarras (farmers).



The cuckoo. Sergio González Ahedo.

The new season has just begun. Spring has sprung, even if at times the weather is determined to prove otherwise. The arrival of the vernal equinox brings with it changes everyone can perceive: days become longer, flowers bloom, bald trees burst into leaf and put on their green attire, the last snow melts and streams of water flow far and wide as winter loses its grip. (more…)