

Dandelions in the field. Luis Manuel Peña. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

It has been a cold and rainy winter, and spring is taking its time arriving. We still find ourselves surrounded by snow-covered mountains, and when the northwest wind blows, it enters our body and makes us feel like we are freezing. (more…)

Grass harvesting in Carranza (Bizkaia), 2017. Luis Manuel Peña

Grass harvesting in Carranza (Bizkaia), 2017. Luis Manuel Peña. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

The eighth volume of the Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country, this one dedicated to agriculture, is about to see the light of day. It relates to a previous volume on livestock farming and shepherding, as could not be otherwise, since agriculture in traditional societies is closely linked to these activities. The present work includes a chapter devoted to grass, where the mentioned linkage is perhaps most clearly appreciated, its cultivation and care being designed for the provision of animal feed. (more…)