

Ezpata Dantza (sword dance) for Corpus Christi performed by Goizaldi Dantza Taldea (Donostia, 06/06/1985). Photo: E. X. Dueñas

“Traditional” and/or “Basque” is one way of pigeonholing the dance performed by groups here. That has not always been the case and that is also true of how they are performed, however hard people champion the authenticity and, therefore, the inflexibility of steps and shapes down through the centuries.


Inude eta Artzainak Donostian. Iturria: Donostia Kultura.

Inude eta Artzainak in Donostia. Source: Donostia Kultura.

Just as dance is at the heart of many celebrations, it also plays a leading role in the carnivals of Gipuzkoa. Although these lines are an approximation of the carnival dances of Gipuzkoa, it must be remembered that dances do not exist in a vacuum and are therefore inevitably intertwined with other elements of the carnival. For example, dancers may wear costumes, or dancing may take place while alms collecting.