
Fruit tree in full bloom. Luis Manuel Peña

Fruit tree in full bloom. Luis Manuel Peña. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Just as a house was not a home unless it contained a hearth, blood was regarded as the very essence of life and health for people and farm animals alike. Indeed, there is an old saying that ‘a house without fire is like a body without blood’, its documented Basque equivalent being su bako etxea, gorputz odolbagea.

Blood also refers to emotions and temperament, especially when passionate. Thus, for instance, we say that someone who annoys us ‘makes our blood boil’, odolak irakiten deusku, or that someone ‘seems to have no blood in his veins’, odolbakoa da, to suggest that nothing upsets or moves him, or that he lacks passion and verve. There are plenty of similar expressions that we use, almost without realizing it, in everyday language. (more…)