
Holly branches with berries. José Ignacio García

Holly branches with berries. José Ignacio García Muñoz.

Traditions observed during the Christmas period from St Thomas’ Day, on 21 December, to Three Kings’ Day, on 6 January, have undergone significant changes in recent years.

In the not too distant past Christmas celebrations were characterized by a warm family environment and a deep religious significance. This last connotation is fading away, as happens with Easter, now more of a spring break. (more…)


The flag of Oyón flies over Cachi, 2017. José Ángel Chasco.

On 22 January the city of Oyón (Rioja Alavesa) celebrates its patronal festival in honour of Saint Vincent and Saint Anastasius. The five main events of this major winter celebration are: Cachi’s rolling, the burning of the bonfire, the singing at dawn, the dance dedicated to the patrons, and the firework display during the procession. (more…)

Group of lads from Biáñez Council celebrating a banquet, 1947. Julián Ahedo

Group of lads from Biáñez Council celebrating a banquet, 1947. Julián Ahedo.

The Marzas or songs sung to welcome in the spring had in times past a strong root in the Carranza Valley. It is a pagan festival whose origins date back to time immemorial and which Julio Caro Baroja related to the beginning of the Roman year. Traditionally, on 1 March young male singers, called marceros, gathered in groups of four to eight sang the Marzas house to house and neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Dressed in daily clothes, they made their way to the sound of cowbells and bell collars. Along with them walked the zarramasquero, responsible for carrying the zarramasco, a holly branch decorated with coloured paper strips. He stood out from his fellow singers by two crossed sheep manes he wore on his chest and back held with bell straps and several cowbells at the waist that sounded as he jumped during the singing. Occasionally his face was covered with a mask made of animal skin. (more…)

Pío Caro Baroja before a portrait of his brother Julio. Taken from Euskonews

Pío Caro Baroja before a portrait of his brother Julio. Taken from Euskonews.

It was not long ago that Pío Caro Baroja passed away in his Málaga home. Guardian of the family memory and Itzea, the property acquired by his uncle Pío in 1912, he devoted himself to documentary making. He also turned to writing and editing works of diverse nature. (more…)