
Traditional farmhouse in Kortezubi (Bizkaia). Segundo Oar-Arteta

Traditional farmhouse in Kortezubi (Bizkaia). Segundo Oar-Arteta. Labayru Fundazioa Photographic Archive.

Occupants of the majority of farmsteads (baserriak) in the region of Busturialdea (Bizkaia) were renters (errenteruak) in former times. Landowners planning to build a house were popularly said to require at least 300 oaks (haretxak) for the council to grant them a building permit. Stone (harria) and clay (buztina) were equally indispensable. (more…)

Wattle shielding. Valley of Carranza (Bizkaia), 2010. Miguel Sabino Díaz

Wattle shielding. Valley of Carranza (Bizkaia), 2010. Miguel Sabino Díaz.

Bardanasca, and also bardanasco, is the name given to wattle in the Valley of Carranza (Bizkaia). It is an ancient building material for making walls and fences, consisting of rods interlaced with twigs and branches. Documented as early as the Middle Ages and defines in former Ordinances, the use of this construction method was extended across certain areas of the Basque Country. (more…)