Now we are used to having bread any time, any day, anywhere, but it was not always so.
Before the 1950s, when wheat was still cultivated in our fields, the entire seed-to-loaf bread-making process was long and arduous. Every July during threshing the best grain was saved for seed. Wheat seeds were soaked (beratu) in water and later mixed with lime to get rid of rust (ludoia). They were kept in lime for three to four days before storing them in the loft. (more…)
Xabier Sáenz de Gorbea (Las Arenas 1951 – Bilbao 2015), Gure Artea Prize laureate in 2012, soon became a major presence on the Basque art scene, due perhaps to his work capacity, which allowed him to develop his influence and expand his knowledge on multiple levels. (more…)