

Literature is the pure expression of language, which is why Labayru Fundazioa has since its origins taught language hand in hand with literature. We publish and bring to readers today works by classical authors, and promote the appearance of new works by contemporary writers, and compile and promulgate our oral literature.

Labayru Fundazioa has rescued numerous works of Basque literature for today’s reader. Some works were almost inaccessible in any form; others often displayed surprising differences from the standard spellings readers today would not recognize. Being able to read our authors is another step in the bid to learn more about our tradition and show younger generations our past and present.

We have studied and published works in all genres, including prose, verse, traditional songs and stories and of course translations. Some of the works are by well-known authors (Domingo Agirre, Kirikiño, Lauaxeta…), others involve authors whose work had yet to be collected (Mañariko, Sorne Unzueta…), and other works had long been out of print and were almost impossible to get hold of.

These are our theme-based publications: the Sutondoan collection brings together works by classical authors from the 20th century; Arragoa is a compilation of facsimile editions of classical works; Jarein provides critical editions of works by authors from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; Laratz is a collection of oral literature repertoire; Galburua and Urbegi address new works; and Idatz & Mintz Literatur Atalen Sorta along with Litterae Vasconicae Euskeraren Iker Atalak are literary journals published since the early 1980s.